Amber Alert Statistics
Amber Alert Statistics, child abduction is one of the major problems that the families living in the United States face and is increasingly becoming a challenge for law enforcement agencies situated all over the country to resolve these situations and put an end to these kidnapping attempts.
Using various forms of media,
child abduction alert systems were formed to ensure that any known kidnapping occurrences are surfaced for public awareness. This later evolved to the AMBER Alert created after a 9-year old girl was murdered in 1996 where Amber Alert statistics can contain useful information that can lead to better chances of recovery efforts.
About AMBER Alerts
AMBER Alerts work like other public alerts in the way that they are distributed. Currently AMBER alerts are distributed through commercial channels like radio stations, major television stations, cable TV, and satellite sources. They can also be sent through
e-mail or to mobile phones via SMS. More serious AMBER alerts can be displayed on variable message signs normally found in areas where high volumes of traffic occur. The newest Walgreens drugstore chains have LED billboards where AMBER alerts can be displayed as well. Although the word "AMBER" has been named after Amber Hagerman - the girl who was abducted from her home, that lead to the making of the system, AMBER also serves as an acronym for "America's Missing: Broadcasting Emergency Response.
How they Activate
The exact criteria for an AMBER alert to take place depends on the state where the event takes place. All AMBER alert statistics in general cover all minors that are 17 years old or younger. Some states may require that the child is in a serious
life-threatening situation before an alert is issued and need to be confirmed by law enforcement officials to avoid the instances of false alarms. Various Amber Alert statistics need to be presented as well including a brief description of the child along with his captor and vehicle used if any. These Amber Alert statistics will be used as public information for media usage to make sure that everyone that pays attention to these channels are notified with the best information possible.
Obtaining Statistics
In addition to receiving AMBER alerts through the channels mentioned earlier, other
Amber Alert Statistics can be retrieved in the main website page located at This page contains real figures showing how many successful recoveries were made and plans launched nationwide. The figures are also divided into specifics in statewide, regional, and local categories.
Below the small table are some
downloadable PDF files that show detailed cases, success stories, and state-specific events, and other information that is linked to child abduction and the AMBER alert statistics.

It is important to be aware of these AMBER alerts considering their strict conditions and to convince other family members, friends, and acquaintances to be aware of such instances as well. The community and the government must work together in making the AMBER alert system to work resulting in better AMBER Alert statistics and
reduced losses by child abduction.
Reduce Amber Alert Statistics
- Communication with your child is very important. Be someone your child can talk to. Be sensitive to changing moods and behavior.
- If you find yourself in a position where a child appeals to your for help, be prepared to offer it. Never belittle your child's problems or fears. Discussing safety with your child should not be a frightening type situation, but rather an informative matter-of-fact discussion, effectiveness of prevention.
- At home Teach your children, at an early age, the facts about abduction and what it means.
- Define what a stranger is. Let your child know that just because they see someone every day (i.e. older students or neighbors) this does not mean that these people are not strangers.
- Teach your children their full name, your name, address and telephone number, including area codes.
- Teach your child how to use a telephone. Explain how to make a local and long distance phone call. Practice using a pay telephone.
- Get a map and allow your child to color in their home state so that they can understand its name and geographic location.
- Make sure your child never accepts gifts or treats from strangers. Encourage them to tell you about anyone who approaches them and offers them anything or wants to take their picture.
- Give your permission to say NO to an adult. Be sure they realize that not every adult has authority over children, especially if that adult has asked your children to do something that you have taught them is wrong.
- Be sure that your children understand that no one has the right to touch them on any part of their body that a bathing suit covers. Advise them to tell you about it if someone does.
- Teach your children to tell you if someone has asked them to keep a secret from you.
- Never allow your children to approach a car to offer directions. Abductors will prey upon a child's naiveness and sense of sympathy. Explain to your children that adults rarely ask children for help. If someone asks them for directions or help, your children should be taught to ignore them, leave for a safe place and report the incident to you.
- Teach your child that if they are being followed, and cannot run safely home or to a public place, they should yell for help. They should never just run and hide because they may put themselves in an isolated location and vulnerable to attack.
- Take a look at your children daily. Know what they are wearing when they leave the your home.
- Avoid dressing your children in clothing that has their names printed on them. Make sure that your children know that just because someone knows their name, this does not mean the person knows them.
- Be involved in your child's activities. Know the locations of places he/she goes. Know all of the adults that your child will be associated with.
- Know the names of children's friends. Know where they live and how to reach them.
- Be aware of your children's route to school. Encourage children to buddy up. A child who is part of a group is less vulnerable than a child who goes alone.
- Instruct schools, baby-sitters and friends who are caring for your child, not to allow your child to go with anyone buy you, unless otherwise arranged.
- Be extremely cautious in selecting baby-sitters and day care centers. Always check references. Know the people who are responsible for your child.
- Children who are home alone should never open the door to strangers. Be sure the doors and windows in your home are secure.
- Children who are home alone should never volunteer information to anyone on the telephone that they are home alone.
- Post emergency telephone numbers at the phone and write your address near these numbers so your child can easily let authorities know the locations.
- Insist that your child contact someone if they feel that something is suspicious. children should be taught to recognize suspicious behavior so that a description of the person or incident can be given to you or the police.
- Never leave your children unattended in a vehicle. It is a proven fact that it takes less than five seconds to abduct a child from a car.
- Keep your children in sight at all times. Shopping malls are crowded and offer abductors an easy place to pick up children.
- Always accompany your child to the bathroom in a public place.
- Teach your children what to do if you and he/she become separated at a grocery store or shopping mall.
- Instruct them to go directly to the cashier or checkout counter and tell the clerk that they are lost.
- Whatever you do, teach them not to try going home alone or looking for you in the parking lot.
- Develop a family password that only you and your child know. Teach the child that his is important and that they should never go with anyone, not even someone they recognize, who doesn't know the password.
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